Sustainable Dentistry at Beaconsfield Dental in Berwick

Beaconsfield Dental is at the forefront of sustainability.

With 144 solar panels, they have generated over 300 megawatts of power in eleven years saving almost 400 tonnes of Co2.

This is the equivalent of over 7,000,000 black balloons filled with Co2!

Rain water tanks, with a 17,000 litre capacity, supply the indigenous garden and toilet flush, saving over 100,000 litres of water per year.

We have 14 compost bins and dozens of indigenous plants, including edibles.

Our recycling covers batteries, printer cartridges, computers, amalgam, paper, plastics and other items.

Solar Panels

144 Solar Panels (Generating over 300 of power in eleven years - and still creating more!)

Rain Water Tanks

With 17,000 litre capacity, supplying our indigenous garden and toilet flush - we’re saving over 100,000 litres of water per year!

14 Compost Bins

Feeding our indigenous plants around the Practice


We don’t shy away from recycling, from batteries, printer cartridges, paper, plastic and more - if it can be recycled, we’re recycling it!

Zero Paper Policy

If we can do it without printing then we do!

Solar Hot Water

Using the sun to power our water resources and reduce energy waste

Winner of the Environmental and Sustainability Award in Casey!

Beaconsfield Dental – Caring for the community and the environment.

We have 144 solar panels, capable of generating up to 200 kWh in one day!

Double glazing, full insulation, solar hot water, LED lighting, seven water tanks for the garden and toilet flush and fourteen compost bins are standard features at Beaconsfield Dental. We have a Tesla Charger.

The garden has dozens of indigenous plants to complement the surrounding Akoonah Park. The water tanks are painted with Victoria’s floral and faunal emblems, as well as the critically endangered Baw Baw Frog only found in Victoria!

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